Friday, December 31, 2010

so this is the new year

Each new year starts with so much hope, hope that our dreams will become realities. Hope that that one special person will look our way with a little sparkle in their eye. Hope for the new job. Hope that you can quit smoking-- Hope that life doesn't fucking suck like last year.
We raise our glasses in those last few seconds, search for a kiss, and wave goodbye forever to the old year. Then we look forward into the face of the new and somehow see what might be. We stumble hopeful into our beds in the afterglow of champagne celebration and sink soundly into our dreams-

-Then we wake up.

everything is exactly the same as before.

The list we made to better our lives slips behind the desk lost. The vows we made as the ball dropped drop from our minds to that place where ever they go... those things we forget about. And life goes on.


Nothing will change if you don't change it. Do something different. Start a new hobby. Go to a new coffee shop. Ride your bike. Learn an instrument and play it super loud until people complain.
Whatever you do, do it better than last year. Work harder. Play more often. Call your mom. Don't date that girl you know you shouldn't but you're a dumbass so you do anyways. Most importantly, be YOU.

This is your year.
