Thursday, April 28, 2011

the God all around

What is God?

Can i see Him? Do i feel Him? Is that His smell? That sweet taste, is that Him too? Does He speak to me- Is that Him i hear?

Do I swim through his running waters or fly in his ever expansive skies?

Is God one? or two? many or few?

Is God Day...
...Is God Night?

can He be both darkness and light?

is He a She?

is HE, ME?


  1. God is always elusive when we are searching for him. The natural flow of this poem, as it moves from concrete images to larger abstractions, and then finally implodes into the speaker's self, bite hard into the limited human perspective.

    Insightful as always, LoveChild,
    --Gravity Child

  2. thank you Gravity. it is always interesting to enter into a work from someone elses perspective and to have the words pick up new meanings. sometimes the words come from a raw deep place and just flow onto the paper with no meaning and it is up to the viewer to create it. i value your insight very much

